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Work with Me

Bespoke presentations for your company or event:
Please contact me and let’s chat about how I can educate the participants in your
team, workplace or wellness event. I’m open to your ideas and suggestions about
ways to support the wellbeing of your staff.

I can customise my presentation to the specific wellness interests or needs of your
people or event. I want to understand what your motivation and desired outcome is,
so that I can integrate these components into my message.

Designing how the event flows:
I design presentations and events that could include a speaking piece, coupled with
yoga/mindfulness/breathing practices and could finish with a lovely meal or food to
share that supports what we have been talking about. I find people tend to bond
after participating in events together so I’m all for encouraging that connection and
ease – and food is a great way to do that!

My style is professional, but I like to create a relaxed environment which promotes
better attention, interaction and retention of information. I also like to use stories,
humour and real-life events, which makes the information more relatable and memorable.

With that in mind, my sessions could be an hour, ½ day or full day workshops.

My areas of discussion include (but are not limited to);
- Gut health
- Nutrition for mental health
- Hormone health
- Weight management
- Stress management
- Lifestyle practices for health
- The Holistic Impact (My Lifestyle Practices Program created into a ½ day workshop)
- Peri to post menopause health.


The menopausal topic is growing in interest and many companies are now finding it invaluable to share information with their staff (both female and male) to help them feel supported, reduce
absenteeism, enhance productivity, and help employees feel that their
workplace values them for more than their contribution to the bottom line.

(In the UK and Europe, many companies are designing Menopause Policies to further support their staff).


Women's Health Specialist. Yoga Teacher. Nutritionist

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